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New Handheld Mini Coffee & Egg Beater
100% Brand new and high quality
Non-stick, flexible, and easy to handle
Stainless steel spring and the body is made of abs plastic
Simple on/off button for easy operation
Eggbeater will not damage cookware or bowls
Easy to clean with a damp cloth
₨ 599 ₨ 999
40% Off
Rechargeable Handheld Electric Coffee Mixer Adjustable Milk Frother Egg Beater
- Versatile: This electric milk frother can be used for blending, whisking, beating, and stirring, making it a must-have kitchen utensil for any home cook or coffee lover.
- Adjustable Speed: With 3 adjustable speeds, you can easily customize the frothing speed to achieve the perfect texture for your coffee, hot chocolate, or other beverages.
- USB Rechargeable: This portable handheld whisk is USB rechargeable, making it easy to use on-the-go without worrying about battery replacement. You can use it 20~40 hours after full charged.
- Easy to Clean: The detachable whisk head is easy to clean and dishwasher safe, making cleanup a breeze.
- Compact and Portable: The compact size of this milk frother makes it easy to store in your kitchen or take with you on the go, perfect for camping trips or travel.
₨ 2180 ₨ 3860
44% Off